PBC Landscape

Miniwall ®

182 x 125 x 182 132
Colours: Oatmeal, Charcoal

Miniwalls have really gained popularity in the last few years. This is because Miniwall blocks allow you to build straight, highly functional, beautiful walls quickly and easily. The colour palette offered by adbri Miniwalls is sure to include the perfect wall stone match for your garden: organic oatmeal, Bondi beach sand, buff brown brushwood, functional fossil, creamy off-brown mocha, practical charcoal, port wine blend, and happy sunstone.

Miniwall blocks enable you to build your own walls, unreinforced, up to 50cm high. Whether you require circular, curved, or straight walls in and around your garden, or need elegantly housed planter boxes and residential walling, MiniwallsÒ allow you to get the job done fast and simple.

If you’re looking around your garden wondering what you can do to give it an edge, contact us today for more info on how to effortlessly install Miniwall blocks as your next gardening project.



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